🔥 Now with Tailwind CSS v4, Nextra v4 support!Tech Stack
Easily build modern applications and kickstart your development process.
Advanced Tech Stack
Leveraging efficient React (v19) and support with Next.js, Nextra(v4) and Shadcn UI to build modern applications.
internationalization (i18n)
Built-in multi-language support for easy i18n of your application, expanding your user base.
TypeScript Safety
Fully integrated with TypeScript, offering static type checking to reduce runtime errors and enhance code reliability and maintainability.
Iconify Icons
Integrated with the Iconify icon set, offering a wide range of icons to enhance UI visual presentation.
Tailwind CSS (v4)
Atomic CSS integrated with Tailwind CSS, enabling efficient design and responsive UI.
Code Standards
Adheres to best practices with code standards and uses ESLint for quality checks and consistency.
Dark Mode
Supports dark mode for an enhanced nighttime experience.
Rich Components & Extensible Support
Offers a range of built-in components and supports flexible custom extensions.
Lightweight Design
Employs a lightweight design approach, streamlining project setup to focus on content creation.